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Ring surfaces

Ehering Ratgeber ringoberflaechen hauptbild scaled

The ring surface gives your piece of jewelery its final, unique appearance. Your rings can be provided with fascinating structures and surface patterns to give them a very special look – or you can opt for a classic, polished surface. Give your wedding rings a special structure and choose a surface that suits you and your loved one.

The final surface treatment lets the metal color (alloy), the ring profile and also the stone settings of your ring appear in a completely new light. Do you like it classic glossy or do you prefer a matt finish? Be inspired by our surface types: almost every wedding ring and profile is available with a wide variety of surfaces.


Classic and traditional. The mirror polish makes the precious metal very smooth and shiny and is the most common finish on wedding rings. This surface makes the color shine and due to the reflection of the surroundings, scratches are initially less noticeable due to the high level of reflection. Thus, the wedding rings look noble even after a longer period of wear.

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Ehering Ratgeber ringoberflaechen poliert scaled

Fine mat

Fine mat is a mat finish along the ring, which is also very popular and is the most frequently chosen option alongside the classic polish. The longitudinal matting has a gentle, natural, harmonious, reserved, calm and soft effect. The surface is changed over time due to the signs of wear, more and more to the polished look. However, it can be recovered quite easily.

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Ehering Ratgeber ringoberflaechen feinmatt scaled


Similar to fine mat, line mat is also a mat finish along the ring, except that a somewhat coarser and therefore more lively appearance is achieved here. This surface is also changed more and more to a polished look over the course of time due to the signs of wear, but it lasts a little better than the fine matt. However, the mat finish can also be restored quite easily.

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Ehering Ratgeber ringoberflaechen strichmatt scaled

Cross mat

A matting across the ring band. This mat finish makes the color of the precious metal stand out better, but this surface appears a bit harder and makes the ring appear more voluminous. With cross mat, too, it should be noted that the surface changes more and more towards a polished look over time due to signs of wear.

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Ehering Ratgeber ringoberflaechen quermatt scaled

Sand mat

A strong, evenly mat ring surface, which is evenly dotted with the smallest dots, resulting in a calm, mat surface. This surface looks very elegant, especially with multicolored rings, as it allows the different alloy colors to come into their own. As with all matting, it should also be noted here that the surface changes more and more to a polished look over the course of time due to signs of wear.

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Ehering Ratgeber ringoberflaechen sandmatt scaled

Ice mat

Our ice mat surface is very durable and only changes slowly due to signs of wear. This structure is applied to the wedding rings with diamond files and coarse sandpaper in circular movements. The result is an unstructured scratching that looks like numerous ice skate tracks running over one another on a surface of ice. Together with polished surfaces, this ring surface is enjoying increasing popularity. Small gemstones are almost invisible on ice mat wedding rings, this surface lives more from its structure alone.

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Ehering Ratgeber ringoberflaechen eismatt scaled

Crystal matt

Crystal matt is similar to ice matt, with the difference that crystal matt uses a coarser grain of sandpaper. This achieves a more pronounced appearance compared to Eismatt and the marks on the metal are deeper and therefore also more durable.

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Ehering Ratgeber ringoberflaechen kristallmatt scaled

Sponge mat

With sponge matt, the surface is finished with a scotch mat. Circular movements create an exciting, matt appearance. The sponge matt is also changed more and more to a polished look over time due to the signs of wear, but can be restored quite easily.

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Ehering Ratgeber ringoberflaechen schwammmatt scaled

Beat mat

Beat mat is an increasingly popular alternative to sand mat, as this surface is slightly more durable. A fine structure is hammered onto the surface with a special hammer and then matted.

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Ehering Ratgeber ringoberflaechen schlagmatt scaled


The “bark” surface is a coarse hammering (with the pointed side of the hammer), which is elaborately handcrafted. The surface is then matted by brushing. This ring surface has a very individual character, is very robust and provides a striking glitter effect. A real eye-catcher!

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Ehering Ratgeber ringoberflaechen borkenmatt scaled


The “Hammered” surface is also lovingly handcrafted. Many small round indentations are hammered into the ring with the rounded surface of an embossing hammer. Rings with such a surface are usually found in a polished condition and have an extraordinary effect, which is particularly effective with wide rings. A frosted hammer blow is also possible – or a fine hammer blow.

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Ehering Ratgeber ringoberflaechen hammerschlag scaled


Uniformly mat surface, which is evenly covered with coarser “dots” and thus results in a lively “hedgehog-like”, mat surface. An unusual surface that is somewhat more resistant than sand or beat mat due to the use of a special diamond-tipped milling attachment.

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Ehering Ratgeber ringoberflaechen igel scaled

Galvanic surface: rhodium plating

In rhodium plating, a plating of rhodium is applied over the alloy as a surface finish. Rhodium is characterized by high corrosion resistance and high abrasion resistance. With the galvanically applied bright white rhodium coating, e.g. white gold is brightened and silver jewelery is protected against tarnishing.

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Ehering Ratgeber ringoberflaechen rhodiniert scaled

Grooves, joints and steps

There are also various types of grooves and joints that can be milled into the ring for decoration. We offer you the following options for this type of surface design:

V-groove 60° (glossy groove)

A V-shaped joint that creates beautiful reflections of light. This joint is a very fine and noble gloss line, which is also often combined with a diamond or used as a separating joint between the color boundaries in multicolored rings. Glossy grooves are also often used to separate different surfaces. This type of joint can be applied to a ring horizontally, in a wave form and also vertically.

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Ehering Ratgeber ringoberflaechen v fuge scaled

U-groove round (concave)

U-shaped groove. A round indentation in the ring that causes even clearer light reflections than a glossy groove. The surface of this groove can also be matted so that a nice contrast image can be created with shiny adjacent ring areas. This type of joint can be applied to a ring horizontally, in a wave form and also vertically.

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U-groove (convex)

A round groove with another ingenious round bump inside. This combination creates very special reflections of the surroundings, which have their own charm. This type of joint can only be placed horizontally on a ring.

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Ehering Ratgeber ringoberflaechen u fuge konvex scaled

Angular joint (groove)

A rectangular groove where the deepening is much more obvious than a gloss groove or a round groove. This stylistic device can also be a very special form of design when used correctly. A square joint can be selected in either a polished or matt finish. This type of joint can be applied to a ring horizontally, in a wave form and also vertically.

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Ehering Ratgeber ringoberflaechen eckige fuge scaled


Steps or indention to the side edges of the ring. In the right proportion to the rank, this form of design can represent a very noble, unobtrusive individualization of the ring. One level can also be selected in polished or matt.

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Not only optics, but also haptics – we recommend a consultation

Surfaces have a completely different effect in every light and also in combination with different ring shapes and alloy colors and also create a very individual shimmer on every skin type. In addition, a surface also has a certain influence on the wearing comfort, because the rings inevitably come into contact with the other fingers of the hand.

For these reasons, we always recommend getting advice from local experts when choosing the right surface. Our amodoro partners have all available surfaces ready for you to try out and look forward to helping you!

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